Sunday, March 17, 2013

Thirty-one: Precious

(This is the 2nd in a 10-post series)

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.  Proverbs 31:10 NLT

Just a short post today, Dearest. I want us to pause; to dwell for a moment on the second half of verse 10.  Remember, as we dive in, we're no longer looking at this proverb as a giant 'to-do' list. 

 With all my heart, I believe that the wife described in Proverbs 31 is not an actual woman, but a composite of virtuous qualities; a portrait, if you will, of a Virtuous Wife.  No one woman, living or dead, embodies all of the qualities enumerated in this proverb. I can't be this woman, neither can you! But the closer we draw to our Heavenly Father through His word and prayer, the more our lives will be marked by the virtues illuminated in this chapter.

The description of the Virtuous Wife begins in verse 10 with an affirmation of God's love: "You're more precious than rubies," whispers the Holy Spirit.  Just breathe that in for a moment.  It's interesting to note that a flawless ruby of fine color is exponentially more rare and valuable than a diamond of similar quality. The comparison to rubies was lovingly, thoughtfully chosen by God so we would see that we're not just valuable, but exceedingly valuable to Him.  So...just for today...could we set aside fretting about our shortcomings? Set aside striving for His approval? Just for today, let's bask in the knowledge that without any "measuring up" to the ideals of Proverbs 31, we're already accepted by God in the  Beloved. (Eph 1:3-6 NKJV) 

Next time, we'll dig in to verses 11-12, and discover that we are the best gift our husbands will ever receive!

Prayer for Today: Father, as I read Your words in Proverbs 31, remind me that it is You who changes me; Your Spirit in me who brings fruitfulness and virtue in my life. May Your words dwell richly in me (Col 3:16 NLT).  In Jesus' Name, Amen.

To read the other posts in this Proverbs 31 series, type "thirty-one" into the 'Search this Blog' box.

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